Source code for rhui4_tests.test_pulp_workers

"""Tests for changing the number of Pulp Workers"""

from os.path import basename

import logging
import nose
from stitches.expect import Expect
import yaml

from rhui4_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr


RHUA_HOSTNAME = ConMgr.get_rhua_hostname()

RHUA = ConMgr.connect()

ANSWERS = "/root/.rhui/answers.yaml"
ANSWERS_BAK = ANSWERS + ".backup_test"
UNIT_NAME = "pulpcore-worker"

def _change_worker_count(count, expect_failure=False):
    """helper method to change the number of Pulp workers"""
    cmd = f"rhui-installer --rerun --pulp-workers {count}"
    Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, cmd, 2 if expect_failure else 0, 600)

def _get_current_pulp_worker_count():
    """get the number of Pulp workers"""
    cmd = f"systemctl list-units --no-legend --all '{UNIT_NAME}@*'"
    _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command(cmd)
    raw_lines =
    return len(raw_lines)

def _get_orig_pulp_worker_count():
    """get the number of Pulp workers"""
    _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command(f"cat {ANSWERS_BAK}")
    answers = yaml.safe_load(stdout)
    saved_worker_count = answers["rhua"]["pulp_workers"]
    return saved_worker_count

[docs] def setup(): """announce the beginning of the test run""" print(f"*** Running {basename(__file__)}: ***")
[docs] def test_01_prep(): """back up the answers file""" Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"cp {ANSWERS} {ANSWERS_BAK}")
[docs] def test_02_change_pulp_worker_count(): """change the number of Pulp workers""" _change_worker_count(CUSTOM_WORKER_COUNT)
[docs] def test_03_check_pulp_worker_count(): """check if the number of Pulp workers has changed""" current_count = _get_current_pulp_worker_count(), CUSTOM_WORKER_COUNT)
[docs] def test_04_check_rhui_manager_status(): """run rhui-manager status and check if workers are ok and their count matches""" cmd = "rhui-manager --noninteractive status" _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command(cmd) output = worker_lines = [line for line in output if line.startswith(UNIT_NAME)], CUSTOM_WORKER_COUNT) exit_code = output[-1] # also, if all the services are OK, the last line in the output will be 0, str(0))
[docs] def test_05_revert_pulp_worker_count(): """revert the number of Pulp workers""" orig_count = _get_orig_pulp_worker_count() _change_worker_count(orig_count)
[docs] def test_06_check_pulp_worker_count(): """check if the number of Pulp workers has been reverted""" current_count = _get_current_pulp_worker_count() orig_count = _get_orig_pulp_worker_count(), orig_count)
[docs] def test_07_wrong_count_parameter(): """check if the installer refuses incorrect Pulp worker count values""" for bad_count in [0, -1, "foo", ""]: _change_worker_count(bad_count, True)
[docs] def test_99_cleanup(): """clean up: remove the answers file backup""" Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"rm -f {ANSWERS_BAK}")
[docs] def teardown(): """announce the end of the test run""" print(f"*** Finished running {basename(__file__)}. ***")