Source code for rhui4_tests.test_client_of_containerized_rhui
"""Client Tests for Containerized RHUI Nodes"""
from os import getenv
from os.path import basename
import logging
import nose
from stitches.expect import Expect
import yaml
from rhui4_tests_lib.cfg import LEGACY_CA_DIR
from rhui4_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr
from rhui4_tests_lib.helpers import Helpers
from rhui4_tests_lib.incontainers import RhuiinContainers
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager import RHUIManager
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager_cmdline import RHUIManagerCLI
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager_cmdline_instance import RHUIManagerCLIInstance
from rhui4_tests_lib.util import Util
from rhui4_tests_lib.yummy import Yummy
RHUA = ConMgr.connect()
# To make this script communicate with a client machine different from, run:
# export RHUICLI=hostname
# in your shell before running this script, replacing "hostname" with the actual client host name.
# This allows for multiple client machines in one stack.
CLI = ConMgr.connect(getenv("RHUICLI", ConMgr.get_cli_hostnames()[0]))
CDS = ConMgr.connect(ConMgr.get_cds_hostnames()[0])
LEGACY_CA_FILE = "legacy_ca.crt"
TMPDIR = "/tmp/test_client_of_containerized_rhui"
CONF_RPM_NAME = "test-containerized-nodes"
class TestClientofContainerizedRHUI():
"""class to test containerized RHUI nodes"""
def __init__(self):
self.version = Util.get_rhel_version(CLI)["major"]
arch = Util.get_arch(CLI)
with open("/etc/rhui4_tests/tested_repos.yaml", encoding="utf-8") as configfile:
doc = yaml.safe_load(configfile)
self.repo_id = doc["yum_repos"][self.version][arch]["id"]
self.repo_label = doc["yum_repos"][self.version][arch]["label"]
self.test_package = doc["yum_repos"][self.version][arch]["test_package"]
def setup_class():
"""announce the beginning of the test run"""
print(f"*** Running {basename(__file__)}: ***")
def test_01_setup():
"""log in to RHUI"""
def test_02_add_cds():
"""add a containerized CDS node"""
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "cds", container=True, unsafe=True), msg=f"unexpected CDS addition status: {status}")
def test_03_add_hap():
"""add an HAProxy node"""
# not yet containerized
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", unsafe=True), msg=f"unexpected HAProxy addition status: {status}")
def test_04_rhui_manager_status(self):
"""check the status of RHUI services"""
Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rhui-manager status --code", 0, 60)
def test_05_upload_cert(self):
"""upload the entitlement certificate"""
def test_06_add_sync_repos(self):
"""add a and sync the Red Hat repo"""
RHUIManagerCLI.repo_add_by_repo(RHUA, [self.repo_id], True)
def test_07_create_cli_config_rpm(self):
"""create a client configuration RPM for the repo"""
RHUIManagerCLI.client_rpm(RHUA, [self.repo_label], [CONF_RPM_NAME], TMPDIR)
def test_08_install_config_rpm():
"""install the client configuration RPM"""
# get rid of undesired repos first
f"{TMPDIR}/{CONF_RPM_NAME}-2.0/build/RPMS/noarch/" +
def test_09_install_test_rpm(self):
"""try installing the test package from the test repo"""
Yummy.install(CLI, [self.test_package])
# check it
Expect.expect_retval(CLI, "rpm -q " + self.test_package)
def test_10_legacy_ca():
"""check for proper logs if a legacy CA is used"""
# get the CA cert from the RHUA and upload it to the CDS
# the cert is among the extra RHUI files, ie. in the directory also containing custom RPMs
remote_ca_file = f"/tmp/extra_rhui_files/{LEGACY_CA_FILE}"
Util.fetch(RHUA, remote_ca_file, f"/tmp/{LEGACY_CA_FILE}")
Helpers.add_legacy_ca(CDS, f"/tmp/{LEGACY_CA_FILE}")
# re-fetch repodata on the client to trigger the OID validator on the CDS
Expect.expect_retval(CLI, "yum clean all ; yum -v repolist enabled")
RhuiinContainers.exec_cmd("cds", "grep") +
f" 'Found file {LEGACY_CA_DIR}/{LEGACY_CA_FILE}'" +
" /var/log/nginx/gunicorn-auth.log")
def test_99_cleanup(self):
"""clean up"""
# uninstall the test package and the client configuration package
Util.remove_rpm(CLI, [self.test_package, CONF_RPM_NAME])
# remove the artifacts from the RHUA
Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"rm -rf {TMPDIR}")
# remove the test repo
RHUIManagerCLI.repo_delete(RHUA, self.repo_id)
# remove the entitlement certifite
# uninstall HAProxy & CDS, forget their keys
RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", force=True)
RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "cds", force=True)
def teardown_class():
"""announce the end of the test run"""
print(f"*** Finished running {basename(__file__)}. ***")