Source code for rhui4_tests.test_custom_certs

"""Tests for custom certificates"""

# To keep the custom certificates after installing them, run:
# in your shell before running this script.
# This will also preserve CDS01 and the HAProxy node.
# If you have multiple CDS nodes, run:
# rhuitestsetup --ssl-like-cds-one
# Else, run:
# rhuitestsetup
# Regardless of the number of your CDS nodes, run:
# and continue with client tests using this custom SSL configuration.

from os import getenv
from os.path import basename

import logging
import nose
from stitches.expect import Expect

from rhui4_tests_lib.cfg import ANSWERS, RHUI_ROOT
from rhui4_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager import RHUIManager
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager_instance import RHUIManagerInstance
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager_cmdline_instance import RHUIManagerCLIInstance


RHUA = ConMgr.connect()
CDS_HOSTNAME = ConMgr.get_cds_hostnames()[0]
CDS = ConMgr.connect(CDS_HOSTNAME)
HAPROXY_HOSTNAME = ConMgr.get_lb_hostname()

CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR = "/tmp/extra_rhui_files/custom_certs"
ORIG_SSL_CERTS_BASEDIR = f"{RHUI_ROOT}/cds-config/ssl"
ORIG_CERTS_BASEDIR = "/etc/pki/rhui"
ORIG_KEYS_SUBDIR = "private"
BACKUPDIR = "/root"

         "rhui": "ca",
         "client_ssl": "client_ssl_ca",
         "client_entitlement": "client_entitlement_ca",
         "cds_ssl": "ssl"

def _check_crt_key():
    """check if the cert and the key are on the CDS"""
    for ext in ["crt", "key"]:
        _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command(f"md5sum {CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['cds_ssl']}.{ext}")
        expected_sum =[0]

        crt_file = f"{ORIG_SSL_CERTS_BASEDIR}/{HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}.{ext}"
        _, stdout, _ = CDS.exec_command(f"md5sum {crt_file}")
        actual_sum =[0], actual_sum)

def _delete_crt_key():
    """delete the cert and the key from the storage"""
    Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"rm -f {ORIG_SSL_CERTS_BASEDIR}/*")

def _check_instance_add_error():
    """check the error message after adding an instance incorrectly"""
    _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command("tail -1 /root/.rhui/rhui.log")
    lastlogline =
    expected_error = f"Error: CDS: {CDS_HOSTNAME} is already configured " \
                     "with different SSL certificates.", expected_error)

[docs] def setup(): """announce the beginning of the test run""" print(f"*** Running {basename(__file__)}: ***")
[docs] def test_01_check_custom_files(): """check if all the custom certificates and keys exist""" for basefile in FILES.values(): Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"test -f {CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{basefile}.crt") Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"test -f {CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{basefile}.key")
[docs] def test_02_backup(): """back up the original certificates and keys""" Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"cp -a {ORIG_CERTS_BASEDIR}/{ORIG_CERTS_SUBDIR} {BACKUPDIR}") Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"cp -a {ORIG_CERTS_BASEDIR}/{ORIG_KEYS_SUBDIR} {BACKUPDIR}")
[docs] def test_03_rerun_installer(): """rerun the installer with the custom certificates and keys""" cmd = "rhui-installer --rerun " \ f"--user-supplied-rhui-ca-crt {CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['rhui']}.crt " \ f"--user-supplied-rhui-ca-key {CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['rhui']}.key " \ f"--user-supplied-client-ssl-ca-crt {CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['client_ssl']}.crt " \ f"--user-supplied-client-ssl-ca-key {CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['client_ssl']}.key " \ "--user-supplied-client-entitlement-ca-crt " \ f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['client_entitlement']}.crt " \ "--user-supplied-client-entitlement-ca-key " \ f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['client_entitlement']}.key" Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, cmd, timeout=300)
[docs] def test_04_check_installed_files(): """check if the custom certificates and keys were really installed""" for _, fname in FILES.items(): # only check CA certs and keys, though if not fname.endswith("ca"): continue Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "diff -u " f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{fname}.crt " f"{ORIG_CERTS_BASEDIR}/{ORIG_CERTS_SUBDIR}/{fname}.crt") Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "diff -u " f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{fname}.key " f"{ORIG_CERTS_BASEDIR}/{ORIG_KEYS_SUBDIR}/{fname}.key")
[docs] def test_05_add_cds(): """[TUI] add a CDS with a custom SSL cert and key""" RHUIManager.initial_run(RHUA) RHUIManagerInstance.add_instance(RHUA, "cds", CDS_HOSTNAME, ssl_crt=f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['cds_ssl']}.crt", ssl_key=f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['cds_ssl']}.key")
[docs] def test_06_check_cds(): """check if the files are on the CDS""" _check_crt_key()
[docs] def test_07_delete_cds(): """delete the CDS so it can be added using the CLI""" RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(RHUA, "cds") # also delete the files from the CDS _delete_crt_key()
[docs] def test_08_add_cds(): """[CLI] add a CDS with a custom SSL cert and key""" RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "cds", CDS_HOSTNAME, ssl_crt=f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['cds_ssl']}.crt", ssl_key=f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['cds_ssl']}.key", unsafe=True)
[docs] def test_09_check_cert_on_cds(): """check if the files are on the CDS""" _check_crt_key()
[docs] def test_10_add_cds_without_custom_ssl(): """check if another CDS cannot be added without a custom SSL certificate""" # first, the function to add a CDS with that configuration should return False RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "cds", "", unsafe=True)) # also, an appropriate error should be logged _check_instance_add_error()
[docs] def test_11_add_cds_with_other_custom_ssl(): """check if another CDS cannot be added with a different SSL certificate""" # first, the function to add a CDS with that configuration should return False keyfile = f"{CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}/{FILES['cds_ssl']}.key" RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "cds", "", ssl_crt="/etc/issue", ssl_key=keyfile, unsafe=True)) # also, an appropriate error should be logged _check_instance_add_error()
[docs] def test_12_add_haproxy(): """add an HAProxy node (no special parameters)""", "haproxy", unsafe=True))
[docs] def test_13_check_nodes(): """check if only the expected nodes are present""" expected_nodes = [CDS_HOSTNAME, HAPROXY_HOSTNAME] actual_nodes = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "cds") + \ RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy"), actual_nodes)
[docs] def test_99_cleanup(): """clean up: rerun the installer with the original certificates and keys, remove the nodes""" if getenv("RHUIKEEPCUSTOMCERTS"): raise nose.SkipTest("Prevented") cmd = "rhui-installer --rerun " \ "--user-supplied-rhui-ca-crt " \ f"{BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_CERTS_SUBDIR}/{FILES['rhui']}.crt " \ "--user-supplied-rhui-ca-key " \ f"{BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_KEYS_SUBDIR}/{FILES['rhui']}.key " \ "--user-supplied-client-ssl-ca-crt " \ f"{BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_CERTS_SUBDIR}/{FILES['client_ssl']}.crt " \ "--user-supplied-client-ssl-ca-key " \ f"{BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_KEYS_SUBDIR}/{FILES['client_ssl']}.key " \ "--user-supplied-client-entitlement-ca-crt" \ f" {BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_CERTS_SUBDIR}/{FILES['client_entitlement']}.crt " \ "--user-supplied-client-entitlement-ca-key" \ f" {BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_KEYS_SUBDIR}/{FILES['client_entitlement']}.key" Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, cmd, timeout=300) Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rm -rf " f"{BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_CERTS_SUBDIR} " f"{BACKUPDIR}/{ORIG_KEYS_SUBDIR}") # the user supplied certificate options must be cleared in the answers file now cmd = fr"sed -i 's/\(user_supplied_[^:]*\).*/\1: null/' {ANSWERS}" Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, cmd) RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "cds", [CDS_HOSTNAME], force=True) RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [HAPROXY_HOSTNAME], force=True) ConMgr.remove_ssh_keys(RHUA) _delete_crt_key()
[docs] def teardown(): """announce the end of the test run""" print(f"*** Finished running {basename(__file__)}. ***")