'''HAProxy management tests for the CLI'''
from os.path import basename
import time
import logging
import nose
from stitches.expect import Expect
from rhui4_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr
from rhui4_tests_lib.helpers import Helpers
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager_cmdline_instance import RHUIManagerCLIInstance
from rhui4_tests_lib.rhuimanager import RHUIManager
from rhui4_tests_lib.util import Util
HA_HOSTNAME = ConMgr.get_lb_hostname()
RHUA = ConMgr.connect()
def setup():
announce the beginning of the test run
print(f"*** Running {basename(__file__)}: ***")
def test_01_init():
log in to RHUI
def test_02_list_hap():
check if there are no HAProxy Load-balancers
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [])
def test_03_add_safe_unknown_key():
try adding the Load-balancer when its SSH key is unknown, without using --unsafe; should fail
# for RHBZ#1409460
# make sure its key is unknown
# try adding the Load-balancer
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME)
nose.tools.ok_(not status, msg=f"unexpected addition status: {status}")
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [])
def test_04_add_safe_known_key():
add and delete the Load-balancer when its SSH key is known, without using --unsafe; should work
# for RHBZ#1409460
# accept the host's SSH key
ConMgr.add_ssh_keys(RHUA, [HA_HOSTNAME])
# actually add and delete the host
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected addition status: {status}")
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [HA_HOSTNAME], force=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected deletion status: {status}")
# clean up the SSH key
def test_05_add_hap():
add an HAProxy Load-balancer when its SSH key is unknown, with using --unsafe
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME, unsafe=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected installation status: {status}")
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
def test_06_reinstall_hap():
add the HAProxy Load-balancer again by reinstalling it
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.reinstall(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected reinstallation status: {status}")
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
def test_07_reinstall_all():
check the ability to reinstall all the nodes using a generic command
# first, delete the HAProxy configuration
cfg = "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
delete_cmd = f"rm {cfg}"
check_cmd = f"test -f {cfg}"
Expect.expect_retval(HAPROXY, delete_cmd)
Expect.expect_retval(HAPROXY, check_cmd, 1)
# run the reinstallation
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.reinstall(RHUA, "haproxy", all_nodes=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected 'all HAProxy' reinstallation status: {status}")
# check if the HAProxy configuration file was reset after the reinstallation
Expect.expect_retval(HAPROXY, check_cmd)
def test_08_readd_hap_noforce():
check if rhui refuses to add the HAProxy Load-balancer again if no extra parameter is used
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME, unsafe=True)
nose.tools.ok_(not status, msg=f"unexpected readdition status: {status}")
def test_09_list_hap():
check if nothing extra has been added
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
def test_10_readd_hap():
add the HAProxy Load-balancer again by using force
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME, force=True, unsafe=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected readdition status: {status}")
def test_11_list_hap():
check if the HAProxy Load-balancer is still tracked, and only once
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
def test_12_delete_hap_noforce():
check if rhui refuses to delete the node when it's the only/last one and force isn't used
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [HA_HOSTNAME])
nose.tools.ok_(not status, msg=f"unexpected deletion status: {status}")
def test_13_list_hap():
check if the HAProxy Load-balancer really hasn't been deleted
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
def test_14_delete_hap_force():
delete the HAProxy Load-balancer forcibly
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [HA_HOSTNAME], force=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected deletion status: {status}")
def test_15_list_hap():
check if the HAProxy Load-balancer has been deleted
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [])
def test_16_add_bad_hap():
try adding an incorrect HAProxy hostname, expect trouble and nothing added
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", "foo" + HA_HOSTNAME)
nose.tools.ok_(not status, msg=f"unexpected addition status: {status}")
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [])
def test_17_delete_bad_hap():
try deleting a non-existing HAProxy hostname, expect trouble
# for RHBZ#1409697
# first try a case where only an unknown (none known) hostname is used
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", ["bar" + HA_HOSTNAME], force=True)
nose.tools.ok_(not status, msg=f"unexpected deletion status: {status}")
# and now a combination of a known and an unknown hostname,
# the known hostname should be delete, the unknown skipped, exit code 1
# so, add a node first
RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME, unsafe=True)
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
# deleting now
hostnames = ["baz" + HA_HOSTNAME, HA_HOSTNAME]
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", hostnames, force=True)
nose.tools.ok_(not status, msg=f"unexpected deletion status: {status}")
# check if the valid hostname was deleted and nothing remained
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [])
def test_18_add_hap_changed_case():
add and delete an HAProxy Load-balancer with uppercase characters, should work
# for RHBZ#1572623
chunks = HA_HOSTNAME.split(".")
chunks[0] = chunks[0].upper()
hap_up = ".".join(chunks)
nose.tools.assert_not_equal(HA_HOSTNAME, hap_up)
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", hap_up, unsafe=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected addition status: {status}")
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [hap_up])
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [hap_up], force=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected deletion status: {status}")
def test_19_delete_unreachable():
add a Load-balancer, make it unreachable, and see if it can still be deleted from the RHUA
# for RHBZ#1639996
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME, unsafe=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected installation status: {status}")
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
Helpers.break_hostname(RHUA, HA_HOSTNAME)
# delete it
status = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [HA_HOSTNAME], force=True)
nose.tools.ok_(status, msg=f"unexpected deletion status: {status}")
# check it
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [])
# the node remains configured (haproxy)... unconfigure it properly
# do so by adding and deleting it again
RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME, unsafe=True)
RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [HA_HOSTNAME], force=True)
def test_20_custom_haproxy_config():
check the ability to install HAProxy with a custom configuration file
default_template = "/usr/share/rhui-tools/templates/haproxy.cfg"
find = " maxconn 4000"
replace_with = " maxconn 3600"
cfg = Util.mktemp_remote(RHUA)
Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"sed 's/{find}/{replace_with}/' {default_template} > {cfg}")
RHUIManagerCLIInstance.add(RHUA, "haproxy", HA_HOSTNAME, unsafe=True, haproxy_config_file=cfg)
# check if the node was added
hap_list = RHUIManagerCLIInstance.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
nose.tools.eq_(hap_list, [HA_HOSTNAME])
# check if the configuration file was actually used
_, stdout, _ = HAPROXY.exec_command("cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg")
fetched_cfg = stdout.read().decode().splitlines()
nose.tools.ok_(replace_with in fetched_cfg)
# delete the node
RHUIManagerCLIInstance.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", [HA_HOSTNAME], force=True)
Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, f"rm -f {cfg}")
def test_21_check_cleanup():
check if the haproxy service was stopped
# clean up the SSH key
# for RHBZ#1640002
nose.tools.ok_(not Helpers.check_service(HAPROXY, "haproxy"),
msg="haproxy is still running on " + HA_HOSTNAME)
def teardown():
announce the end of the test run
print(f"*** Finished running {basename(__file__)}. ***")